Fun & Exciting way of Learning String Music Theory

We offer one-on-one and group music lessons for students and assisted teacher mentorship for educators who want to improve their teaching abilities with Lorraine Chai.

Learning music theory in an interactive and fun manner with Stringstastic

We help kids who are still learning how to read and write or who learn better with colours and graphics to better understand the instrument and learn music theory in an enjoyable way.

You are in safe hands

Lorraine Chai is a multi-talented instrumentalist, international educator, coach and creator of Stringstasic with over 25 years of teaching experience.

Books and materials designed for kids

Our books on string music theory books (violin, viola, cello) can be used in a private or classroom setting. It includes a combination of different methods suzuki, kodaly, traditional, etc) which allows both teachers and students to decide on which method may help them.

Theory Virtual Lesson Packages

Are you a parent/ teacher who struggles to find the time to help your child/ student with their music theory?

The Virtual Lesson Package for Violin, Viola, or Cello from Stringstastic’s Ensemble Series comes with weekly videos on each topic to help your child/student (aged between 6-11) make the connection of what they have learnt about music theory to their instrument with the help of Tommy, Suzie, and Tilly.

See why music teachers love us

"The Stringstastic books is an excellent choice for teachers who are looking for a holistic avenue that tackles fun theoretical approaches for young violinist. The comprehensive music theory method helps to facilitate our string players to be more engaged in their lesson. Stringstastic is interactive, correlated effectively in both theory and practical. It is a non monotonous traditional outlook for teaching and learning theory for string players which is what we were looking for..."
Sharnaz Saberi​
Founder Prodigy Music Center, Malaysia
"Stringstastic not only teaches music theory in various ways but also includes actual violin playing. The layout of the Stringstastic mini books (characters, colours, exercises, stickers) are simple yet very appealing to my young students... when I showed them the books, they were excited and cannot wait to start them. We are looking forward in using these Stringstastic books at our Music School for our early age group lessons."
Lauri Hamalainen
Author of Violin Friends, Finland
"Ever since I have known Stringstastic, me and my students enjoy lessons so much more.... Discovering Stringstastic is a real blessing for me. You are such an inspiration to me and make my teaching days more exciting! I always can't wait to share my knowledge with my students after watching your videos or live sessions."
Amy Lim
Violin & Viola Teacher
"My young students absolutely love the use of colour and stickers, and can’t wait to do their music theory, which is specially targeted to each string instrument. These books, while being very clear in explanation and exercises, are also very attractive. Thoroughly recommended!"
Helen Tuckey
President of AUSTA WA, Australia

Made for kids, learn music theory.

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